I’ve wanted my own website since I was a kid. From cringe-worthy Weebly experiments to sketchy 000webhost + Freenom abominations (remember .tk?), I’ve dabbled in being a webmaster (well, sort of). The only problem back then? Content. Let’s just say there wasn’t any.
This time, I’m committed to maintaining and creating meaningful content for my site.
I draw heavy inspiration from the early 2000s web design philosophy of form follows function. My goal is simple: content that’s easy to view and access. That means:
I chose Lume as my Static Site Generator because it’s lightweight, performance-focused, and refreshingly new compared to well-established SSGs like Hugo or Eleventy. It’s exciting to work with something fresh, and there’s something deeply satisfying about seeing plain text rendered on a screen - the core of any website.
For hosting, Cloudflare Pages was a no-brainer. It’s completely free, offers unlimited bandwidth, and integrates seamlessly with your SSG of choice. For a personal site like mine, you really can’t beat it.1 You can access my direct Cloudlfare Pages link here: https://uniyx.pages.dev